DAGStat Conference 2019

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Plenary & Invited Speakers

Plenary Speakers

SpeakerPresentation TitleUniversity
Sara van de Geer Adaptivity of signal priors ETH Zurich, CH
Per Kragh Andersen Measuring Expected Years Of Life Lost University of Copenhagen, DK
Donald B. Rubin Modern Computing Implementing Classical, But Heretofore Unnurtured Statistical Ideas Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Temple University, Philadelphia, USA
Michael Jordan Statistical Machine Learning: Dynamical, Economic and Stochastic Perspectives University of California, Berkeley, USA

Invited Speakers

SpeakerPresentation TitleUniversity
Giampiero Marra Generalised Joint Regression Modelling University College, London, UK
Davy Paindaveine Halfspace depth for scatter matrices Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE
Dietrich von Rosen The Growth Curve model under high dimensions with applications to profile analysis Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE
James Wason Novel designs for trials with multiple treatments and subgroups Newcastle University, UK
Richard Samworth Log-concave density estimation University of Cambridge, UK
Axel Gandy Some examples of handling uncertainty in industrial applications Imperial College, London, UK
Christiane Baumeister Structural Interpretation of Vector Autoregressions with Incomplete Identification: Revisiting the Role of Oil Supply and Demand Shocks University of Notre Dame, USA
A.M. Robert Taylor Detecting Regimes of Predictability in the U.S. Equity Premium University of Essex, UK
Timo Schmid Estimating socio-demographic indicators using mobile phone data with applications in Germany and Senegal Freie Universität Berlin, DE
Friederike Paetz Latent Class Analysis in Marketing: Drawing Inferences for Social Brand Personalities TU Clausthal, DE
David Kaplan An Approach to Addressing Multiple Imputation Model Uncertainty Using Bayesian Model Averaging University of Wisconsin, USA
Mathieu Rosenbaum How do market participants contribute to market quality? A statistical approach Centre De Mathematiques Appliquees, FR
Miguel Hernán Estimating per-protocol effects. Randomized trials analyzed like observational studies Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, USA
Benjamin Hofner Statistical issues in drug development and the role of statisticians in regulatory agencies PEI  Langen, DE
Nanny Wermuth How can graphical Markov models aid causal inference? Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, SE
Heike Hofmann Visual Inference: leveraging the power of our eyes Iowa State University, USA
Piet Daas Using Big Data in Official Statistics CBS, Heerlen, NL
Bettina Grün Identifying Mixtures of Mixtures Using Bayesian Estimation Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, AUT
Thomas P.A. Debray Clinical Prediction Models and the role of Evidence Synthesis UMC Utrecht, NL
Janine Illian Point processes — abstraction and practical relevance in ecology University of St Andrews, UK
Steffi Pohl Using timing information to model missing values in test data Freie Universität Berlin, DE
Pavel Krivitsky Inference for Social Network Models from Egocentrically-Sampled Data University of Wollongong, AUS
Pamela Shaw Estimation methods to address correlated covariate and time-to-event error University of Pennsylvania, USA
Malgorzata Bogdan Convex optimization methods for identifying predictors when n<p Wroclaw University of Science and Thechnology, PL
Joachim Buhmann Robust algorithmics: a foundation for science?! ETH Zurich, CH
Ingo Steinwart Aspects of adaptive density-based cluster analysis University of Stuttgart, DE
Günther Palm Learning in artificial and real neural networks University of Ulm, DE
Eyke Hüllermeier Analyzing and Learning from Ranking Data: New Problems and Challenges University of Paderborn, DE
Laura Martignon Statistical Literacy and Statistical Education PH Ludwigsburg, DE
Vanessa Didelez Best Subset Selection: The Holy Grail for Variable Selection? Leibniz Institute, University of Bremen, DE